Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bad to GOOD!!

Quote of the post:
"The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it." -- Richard Bach.

So first off Friday started off really bad, because I woke up feeling really horrible! I drove to Houston feeling like crap knowing I should've stayed home but I had to go to work. Made it to Houston, and had to face all the ridiculous five o'clock traffic which pissed me off. Anyhow made to work drained and didn't stay 30 minutes and went home. I slept from 7:45 pm until Saturday morning around 9:30! I should've been well rested, but felt horrible still. So my roommate and I went and got me medicine and food because I had not eaten anything. I felt a little better that evening. My friend Gabe had a birthday dinner at Pappadeaux's in the galleria area, but I thought it started at 7 when it started at 8. In the meantime I went shopping at the Galleria, but I didn't buy anything. So I guess I went window shopping?.... I dunno anyways because the dinner was running late I decided to go on back home and get dressed for the night out! However Kadrion and Shanchez decided to stay in Atlanta, and Brandon went to his grandpa memorial dinner. So I decided to go out with our other friends. I had a blast because Shawn came down from Fayettville Arkansas, and we partied together! It was fun though I must say.... I think Shawn had too much drink, but i'm not going to get into that.. hahah anyhow. My weekeend went from bad to good!! I'm always glad when things end on a good note! haha Well thats all people! I have biology homework ttyl!

-Carlton Lockett


Yet said...

Darn, you have friends from everywhere! And don't think i'm laughing at your own expense but come on, you've got to see how messed up and ironic it is that you went all the way to work, stayed no more than 30mins, and then went home! perk up! It's gonna get better now that i'm here...haha.

The Fancy Times said...

yes I have friends everywhere!! We never let the distance keep us apart! lol