Monday, April 20, 2009

PVABJ media conference!

Quote of the post:
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." -John Quincy Adams

Hey Guys!

So today PVABJ hosted a media conference that included some of Houston's media professionals. The Panel included:Corneleon Block - Digital Director for the Houston Defender, Carl Willis - Reporter for Local Channel 2 News, John Guess - Journalist Consultant, Ayana Mack - Radio Personality from 104 KRBE, Tony Styles - Radio Personality for 104 KRBE Johnny Bravo - On Air Personality for Jack 103.7 and ESPN station, Brian Mason - Chief Editor for Local Channel 2 News, and Mr. G Barry- Editor and Chief Our Texas magazine. It was Amazing I must say! These people are very influential leaders to young students that are heading in the media market. I really enjoyed how down to earth they were about the industry. They didn't really fabricate anything, and the things they said were useful. I really appreciate you guys for blessing us with your advice on media.


Yet said...

Well, I hope you learned some things! It's good to know that they can be down to earth and all that good stuff! YAY!

The Fancy Times said...

Yes I kno YET! You don't meet too many down to earth professionals!