Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Road Trip! Austin! Texas Relays! Sixth Street! Good LIFE!

Quote of the Post:
"Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save." -Will Rogers

Well lets start with FRIDAY!! Well my roommates and I were going to leave on Friday for Austin, but we procrastinated until the last minute. We needed our haircut, clean laundry, and to pack. So we decided to leave on Saturday morning. However I met this lady on Friday, and she was telling me how nice I dress, and how she used to shop so much for herself and kids but can't anymore. Her Husband went from making $5,000 a month to making like $2,000 a month. Thats a big difference!! She told me that they went from staying in a house nice as mine to now living at a Hotel. I felt really really really bad for her. She was really really sweet, and carried good conversation. I just realize now how grateful I am for what I have, and never take anything for granted. Because just as sure as the good Lord can give you something he can also take it away. What sadden me the most was that she wasn't complaining about her life, she was actually happy and grateful and doing the best she could. The way I am I always want more more more, when I should be satisfied, because there are people in bad situations whom need help. Anyhow Saturday morning my roommates and I departed for Austin, TX! I first of all love miniture roadtrips, but I was mad that I forgot my camera! Ok first off we were iffy about going because I had so much homework I needed to get accomplished, but I decided at the last minute to go. So we made it to Austin, and we needed a Hotel room. Well during this time everyone has jacked their prices, and most of the rooms were filled. So I foundt a nice hotel about 3 miles from downtown Austin, and I told them that I was NOT going to leave until they got me a room. (LOL) It was actually funny, because I knew that they were not all booked. So they kept telling me to wait until 3 and see if some cancel. I didn't have time to wait, I needed a darn room to freshen up and relax because it was extremely HOT! So anyhow I'm guessing they cancelled someones reservation for me because they said that we now have a room. It was pretty nice had a full kitchen and everything considering it was last minute. I thought that part was funny, because my friend Chan'tal, Chasmine, And Jazmyne had to get a hotel 20 minutes outside of Austin because they were all booked. But my roommates and I who just showed up and got a room so close to the action was FUNNY! So my other good friend Ashlee Haywood was there and I was on the phone to her explaining to her where I was staying. Little that we both new is that we were DIRECTLY next to each other. It was so weird, but FUN! So Ashlee and Tiffaney (Ashlee's Cheermate) came over to our room and chilled for a bit. We met some cool girls from New Orleans that were acrossed the hall from us! We chilled with them as well. So we rested up and went out to 6th street in Austin. The traffic was literally RIDICULOUS!! I hated it! (if you knew how much I hate traffic you would understand) The roads were backed up starting from our hotel exit. We had to park I know at least a good 2 miles from the event. NOT including it took us over an hour to park. We had a blast, and stayed out all night! We ended up going to Ihop afterwards, and then back to the room to crash! Obviously Ashlee was put in a weird situation(Hhmmm...), so she came over to our room after she showered... LOL! We checked out at 12, stopped and got food. The traffic back to Houston was a mess! Made it home around 3:20, unpacked, and talked about the weekend a little bit with the friends. Went to sleep and thats about it! It's actually late right now and I have to drive 5 hours back home tomorrow for easter break, not including I have a biology test at 1o so I need to get some rest! Goodnight BLOGGERS

-Carlton Lockett

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