Thursday, April 16, 2009

Update! Update! Update!!

Quote of the post:
"Life is the only real counselor; wisdom unfiltered through personal experience does not become a part of the moral tissue." -Edith Wharton

Hi Guys!!

Honestly I haven't been doing much lately, just cleaning up and trying to get myself ready to return to work this weekend. It's been so long seriously... But I'm doing pretty good I guess. I can't complain, because I'm still alive!! I'm really blessed and I think God for all that he has done for me. I'm so ready for summer it is not even funny. School is really killing me because we're at the end of the semester and I've gotten really lazy. I'm not going to let my guard down, because things can easily change. Many think I'm weird because the music i listen to, but I honestly listening to music for the message that it have, and nothing more. I like music with a positive message, and sometimes I like music for beat it may carry. I like Marie Digby's new song "Avalanche"... It's pretty cool! Uumm tonight a new episode of "Taking the stage", and the first part of MTB4 finale come on tonight. Well I'm excited about our media conference on Monday, and it excites me to meet some professionals in the field I am perusing. Well I'm going to go

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