Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good Morning!

Quote of the post:
"We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same." -Anne Frank

Hey Guys!

Well this week is been springfest at school, so i've been attending events for that all week. It's been pretty chill, i've been enjoying myself with my friends! I think i'm addicted to TWITTER it's so ridiculous! I like the idea of stalking lol... not really but I like to know where my friends are!! I think thats the really cool part about it. However i'm supposed to be going to Austin this weekend, but I all of a sudden don't feel like going anymore. My friends are calling me a party pooper, but I have so much homework it's ridiculous!! I have a biology test on wednesday that I need to study for. I'm just a little stressed right now... God bless me! I've been thinking about my classmates lately, and how they are doing... No one really keeps in touch! Which is kind of weird, but funny at the same time. Some people feel as if you're not in college then you are a NOBODY or a low life! Which is very wrong to say. I do not believe college is for everyone, and if you're working and taking care of yourself thats good enough. I feel like people think they have to be better than the next person in my graduating class, which is negative! You are you thats the beginning and the end! Me personally wouldn't allow anyhow to even attempt to dictate my life! I love everything about me, and every decision I make in life is to benefit me. I try to live a happy and positive life, because if you're happy than how could you be sad? lol Anyhow i'm about to go shopping with Chantal, Chasmine, and Kadrion all over Houston!! Have a good day people!

-Carlton Lockett

1 comment:

Yet said...

I agree with you on the fact college is not for everyone. Sometimes further education is not in a classroom.