Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Busy Busy Busy!!!

Quote of the post:
“Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.” -Coco Chanel

Hey Guys!!

I can not express how sorry I am for not updating in over two weeks. I can honestly say I have EXTREMELY busy it's not even funny. I am still doing the normal college things so far as juggling school, work, and social life. This week in particular has been hell. I had two essays due along with 5 midterms this week! UGH.... It's only Wednesday, and I have 2 more midterms to go... GOD BLESS ME! For some odd reason i've learned that i'm annoyed easily. So far i've been trying to figure out my life and graduation plan. I'm pretty excited that although I changed my major which made me lose credits and hours, and the fact that last year i went to school part time i'm still able to graduate by december of next year! However if I choose to go to New York then I may be pushed until May of 2011 which i'm content with. In the mean time I can network and get my name out there with major production companies. Tomorrow I will be attending a interview with the Don't mess with Texas campaign! I really hope I get it! This week we celebrated my friend Lupe's birthday!! It was simple fun dinner, but we are all going out this weekend. Josh is coming down tomorrow to stay with us! I'm excited, because we never get to see or talk to each other. Our schedules are so busy that it is ridiculous! I enjoy being busy though... sometimes it become a problem but for the most part I work it out. This summer my roommates and I plan to take 2 weeks from everything, and getting into the car and driving west! We have never taken a ROADTRIP ROADTRIP!! It should be fun. I never been to California before, and I'm so ready to get there! Today another article of mine made the school newspaper! It's always exciting to see my work, except the fact that they didn't enter my opening quote =(.... Well i'm about to go figure out what im going to wear to my interview tomorrow!! Have a good night! Toodz

-Carlton Lockett


Yet said...

My goodness. You have a lot of things going on. You move at a million mile a minute. See, now i'm gonna start thinking about my lazy behind and my "busy schedule". haha.

Interesting read.

The Fancy Times said...

Hahaha Thanks Yet!